Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

it's finally here.

our short video about Padang tourism spots
let's check this out

please enjoy our video.
and leave comment below
don't forget to add me and my friends
http://listening-class.blogspot.com/ Devi Purnama Sari.

this video by Kiemas Yudha Pranata and Devi Purnama Sari.
thank's to Haris FQ, Alandika Putra, Rizka Faulina, and Azra Afifah .

Senin, 25 November 2013

Learning with youtube

Howdy fellas, this will be my 3rd posting in my own blog, i don't know what you thinking about my blog, but i hope you enjoy my blog and every thing that i post in this blog, hhmmmnn, how was your weekend guys? is there something fun?, for me i just laying down in front of my laptop and searching some information, that all my usual weekend.
Lets back to the main topic, last week my lecture give me another home task, the task is to watching some video at youtube and give some comment about the video, first, the video from youtube

1. British vs American | English Pronunciation Lesson


  I like this video so much, because it make my english pronunciation improve, and help me understand that so many different between American English and British English.
I hope you enjoy my post, blog, and this video, don't forget to follow me and give comment to any thing that i post in this blog. See ya letter everybody. 

Senin, 18 November 2013

Using ear to hear media electronic

Wow, this my second post on my brand new own blog.
Today topic that given from my lecturer is study listening using media electronic. LoL, i've never using media electronic to listen task or something like that, but i always use media electronic for listen to the music, watching movie without Indonesian subtitle, or watching other kind of movie ( asian) with English subtitle. but its the first time i using media electronic ( internet ) to my listening task, i have done some listening task using radio for my listening task when i was in junior high school.
Let's get back to the main topic, i tried to visit some website that i get from my friend like http://audioboo.fm/channel/bbc-learning-english and http://www.esl-lab.com , i try to visit them and do some interesting thing that give by the website, there some listening quiz and try them, it exciting because you can know your score right  the way. I tried some question and three 60% and one 100% in hard level.
It motivating me to practice my listening skill, and i hope who read my blog get motivated too. After you do some question you'll become addict with it, because its like game that develop you focus and make your heart beat faster when you curious about your score, you guys should try it too.
sorry if i get wrong in my post specially the grammar. hehe hope you enjoyed to visiting my first blog. see ya letter guys, i will be post something interesting letter.

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

First post on blog in my life

Okie it's me again, your favorite guy ( hehehe )
i think this gonna be my first post in my own blog,
it little bit excited because this my first experience with blog.
Actually this blog was made for my English subject called intermediate listening.
If my lecture doesn't tell me to made a blog ill never post anything like this.
Now i lost my word, i don't know what i gonna say in this post.
I'm someone who can make word can be something beautiful.
but I'm someone who tell the truth in what I'm feeling.
that's all my first post, sorry if i have mistake in my first post.
I hope you guys can visit my blog every day,
and wait for the next post.
Thanks for read this post i hope you like it.

Cya in next post